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2021 - Making the right choices now for tomorrow's workplace

25 November 2021



In November 2021 we were proud to hold our second virtual Annual Conference, again featuring superb keynote speakers and a range of practical workshops. Video summaries of the presentation summaries and full video presentations are available below.

Download the Conference brochure to view the conference programme, biographies of our speakers and workshop facilitators.


Presentation Summaries

Keynote Session 1 - Summary

Nick Hillman - Director of Policy and Advocacy, HEPI

Keynote Session 2 - Summary

Stuart Branch - Group People and Technology Director, Weetabix

Keynote Session 3 - Summary

Debra Corey, Chief 'Pay it Foward' Officer, DebCo HR Ltd


Full Presentations

Keynote Session 1 - Higher education in turbulent political times

Nick Hillman - Director of Policy and Advocacy, HEPI

Keynote Session 2 - Inclusion without exception

Stuart Branch, Group People and Technology Director, Weetabix

Keynote Session 3 - Giving your HR programmes a makeover

Debra Corey, Chief 'Pay it Foward' Officer, DebCo HR Ltd



Recordings of the workshops can be found in the members area of our website.

Workshop 1 - Employment Law as part of the ESG agenda - faciliated by Sarah Ashcroft, Solictitor and Senior Manage, PwC LLP

Workshop 2 - Doing racial inclusion differently - faciliated by Nathan Ghann, Programmes Director, The Educate Group

Workshop 3 - Excellence in senior pay and reward - faciliated by Jo Hunt and Trudy Stedman, ECC Consultants

Workshop 4 - Understanding global mobility like a pro - faciliated by Myrianthe Ewington, Head of Client Services, Expat Academy Limited

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