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2013 - New Challenges, New Solutions: Innovation and HR

3-4 March 2014



The ECC Annual Conference 2014: New Challenges, New Solutions was held on the evening of 3 March, and during 4 March

Attended by a large number of ECC members from across the UK, plus representatives of partner organisations, the conference set out to:

  • focus on innovation and HR

  • share good practice and explore practical solutions

  • encourage open exchange of experience

  • bring together speakers, case studies and opinion from the HE/FE and other

All the speakers’ presentations are available below.

We have uploaded short video interviews with conference speakers below, so you can hear the key points first hand.


Speaker Interviews

Jonathan Simons

Head of Education, Policy Exchange talks about the future HE reform

David Cleeton-Watkins

asks what is innovation - and how can HR enable it?

Dean Royles, NHS Employers

reveals how social media delivers staff engagement

Diane Howie, University of Teesside

on HE funding and effective working between HR and Finance

Nicholas Johnston, ECC's Chief Executive
outlines the challenges for HR and how ECC will support members in meeting them

Geoff Foster, ECC's Chair

talks about lessons from the conference and ECC's plans for the future



HE reform 2010-2015 - problems solved or problems delayed?

Jonathan Simons, Head of Education, Policy Exchange

Download presentation slides

The innovative organisation: what role can HR play?

David Cleeton-Watkins, Roffeypark

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Innovation in practice: HR and the digital organisation

Dean Royles, NHS Employers

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What are the financial pressures on HE - and what do Finance colleagues want from HR?

Diane Howie, University of Teesside

Download presentation slides

ECC: where we are and where we're going

Nicholas Johnston, ECC's Chief Executive

Download presentation slides


Further Conference Documentation

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