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Equal Pay

Increasing awareness of equal pay is driving organisations, employees and trade unions to demand the highest standards in equality and reward.  It is vital in this climate for organisations to get on the front foot and take a proactive approach to equal pay.

How can ECC help?

We understand the need to be proactive, and that’s why we offer a comprehensive equal pay audit service to both our members and clients.  Our audits are tiered into three levels, providing the flexibility to support you in the most appropriate way for your organisation.  


Our audits will analyse and quantify pay differences, pinpointing any issues between groups of employees carrying out equal work across protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act. We will investigate the root causes and make practical recommendations on how these can be resolved.


Our team of skilled Consultants has years of experience and knowledge of supporting higher and further education organisations to deliver on equal pay.

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Why Choose ECC?

  • As the custodians of the HERA and FEDRA job evaluation schemes, we have long-standing expertise in job design, job evaluation, and pay structures within the education sectors.


  • We work closely with a broad range of universities and colleges across the UK, and so we have a unique understanding of the issues they face.


  • As reward specialists we can support you beyond the data analysis exercise, by providing robust recommendations that suit your organisation.

What could happen if you don’t conduct an audit?

Equal pay claims are costly and disruptive for organisations. They can bring unwanted media attention, reputational damage, and often a successful claim can prompt other employees to take similar action. The cumulative effect of this is well documented in some high-profile cases.  Investing in an audit can help to identify potential issues early and support a proactive approach to managing equality in reward.

ECC audit options

Protected Characteristics
Religion or belief
Sexual orientation
Contractual basis (fixed term/permanent)
Working pattern (part/full time/casual)
Intersectionality (gender and age/gender and race)

At ECC we have a range of audit options to suit all budgets.

Our audits fall into three levels, Health Check, Essential and Comprehensive. These levels are a guide; we can be flexible according to your requirements and develop a bespoke proposal. 



Health Check

Health Check
All staff by grade (approx. 10 grades)
All staff by group (approx. 4-5 staff groups)
All staff by specified roles (approx. 4-5 job titles)
Items Analysed
Health Check
Base pay
Total earnings
Benefits (contribution pay, market supplements, pension, holiday, sick pay)
Calculations Used
Health Check
Mean and median
Health Check
Population profile
Overall pay gaps
Pay gaps at each grade
Pay gaps within each staff group
Pay gaps within each staff group at each grade
Pay gaps for employees by any specified roles
Health Check
Identification of any significant pay gaps
Identification of any significant pay gaps and causes plus recommendations for action
Identification of any significant pay gaps and causes plus recommendations for action
Health Check
2 days
8-10 days
14-16 days

If you want to find out more or arrange for a consultant to discuss your particular requirements, please contact us.

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